Recently I've been trying to revive my hair. After 4 months of no trim, some highlights, tangles, and cold weather my hair is frazzled. I've been looking for products that would help revive my hair without cutting it all off, because I'm trying to grow my hair out (I also told Brian I wouldn't cut my hair until after we're married ;)]
First I tried an at home treatment of coconut oil mentioned by barefoot blonde, and I mean who wouldn't want her hair! First, I wet my hair and slathered coconut oil all over from root to tip. I know many experts say that you're not suppose to put product on your roots because it will weigh hair down, but my hair tends to break right at the roots so I figured I might as well try it. After I had it all over my hair I wrapped it up in saran wrap and blow dried it for about 5-10 minutes to let it sink in. Then I let it sit with the saran wrap on for about another 15 minutes. Afterwards I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and let my hair air dry. I found that the coconut oil made my hair really soft and the ends really smooth. I probably will keep using the mask about once a month.
Here is before the coconut oil
Here is after the coconut oil

Another product I've been using is oil-licious by got2b
I read a review about it on and figured I would give it a try. She said it was comparable to moroccan oil, which I've really wanted to try, but it's so expensive that I figured if there was a similar and cheaper version why not give it a try. So far I love it! I can't compare the two, but oil-licious doesn't leave my hair feeling greasy by any means, which I was really surprised about. I've used other, cheaper, products in the past that always left my hair feeling gross, but not this. I put it in after I shower in the mornings and let it air dry. My hair always feels smooth and it's starting to look shinier. I will continue using until I can afford to buy moroccan oil so I can compare the two.
I have also started using SG conditioning cleanser. It doesn't sud up like normal shampoo because it is sulfate free, which means it won't dry your hair out. I mainly use this after I work out at night so I can clean my hair without striping it of it's natural oils. The smell isn't the best, but I've noticed that my hair looks a lot healthier and less frizzy from using this cleanser.

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